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Theory and Practice of Uncertain Programming - editions back

by Baoding Liu, Boading Liu
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Theory and Practice of Uncertain Programming - Baoding Liu
Theory and Practice of Uncertain Programming
publisher: Springer publish date: March 18th 2009
format: hardcover pages: 202
language: English
ISBN: 3540894837 (9783540894834)
Theory and Practice of Uncertain Programming - Baoding Liu, Boading Liu
Theory and Practice of Uncertain Programming
publisher: Physica-Verlag publish date: October 1st 2007
format: hardcover pages: 408
language: English
ISBN: 3790814903 (9783790814903)
Theory and Practice of Uncertain Programming - Baoding Liu
Theory and Practice of Uncertain Programming
publisher: Springer publish date: October 21st 2010
format: paperback pages: 204
language: English
ISBN: 3642100430 (9783642100437)
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