There's No Such Thing as a Dragon
Format: hardcover
ASIN: 306032
Publisher: Golden Books
My niece, nephew, and I all liked this book. The story was cute, and it had kind of a funny, but valid, message. I thought there were several semi-comical passages in this book, and so did my niece. For my nephew, though, it was just a story about a dragon. I'm not sure he's going to remember it ...
This was one of my favorite books as I child, one that made a lasting impression on me. Although it's been well over 30 years since I last read it, it's come to mind many times in many situations over the years. I should re-read it now, and see if I still remember every bit of it as clearly as I thi...
Good concept. That comes across as "damning with faint praise" but for a lot of picture books, that's really all there's time for. Oh, sure Elizabeth Bird can write a long, insightful interview speaking knowledgeably of artistic influences, and literary predecessors and so forth, but when we come ...
Good concept. That comes across as "damning with faint praise" but for a lot of picture books, that's really all there's time for. Oh, sure Elizabeth Bird can write a long, insightful interview speaking knowledgeably of artistic influences, and literary predecessors and so forth, but when we come ...