by Elizabeth George, John Lee
Review: There is a point at which book length blows right past editorial failure and becomes authorial self-indulgence. JRR Tolkien's epic fantasy The Lord of the Rings clocks in at 1178 pages, which includes a lengthy series of Appendices. The story itself is right about 1080 pages. Think about...
La George secondo me ha una penna incantata: scrive, scrive scrive e non si ferma mai. Nel lungo percorso, non ti annoia mai e ti fa desiderare ardentemente di essere lì con i personaggi.. Detto questo, perché è d'obbligo complimentarsi con lei, devo aggiungere una nota dolente.. Mi sembra infatti (...
This was the first book by Elizabeth George that I have read. Although I have seen most of the BBC tv movies, the books appear to be a quite different experience. This book is very long, but in my opinion it becomes better and better the further you get into it. And if you look at my progress, you c...
I have not followed Elizabeth George's series, so it took me a moment to acclimate to Lynley's slightly Wimseyesque world - at least on the surface, though he is far less of a dilettante than Wimsey, and his world is a grimmer one. George plays the apparently-unconnected narrative from the past and ...
For the most part, I thoroughly enjoyed Elizabeth George books. This was one that was def. a hit. It was fast paced and I thought the characters were developed really well. All of her books are long so prepare for that, but, for the most part, well worth the read.
2.5 stars. Overpopulated, tedious and depressing, with a ripped from the (old) headlines subplot that was excruciating to read. There's an unlikeable new character who is sure to pop up in the next book, some dull exposition on what to do if you live in the U.K. and find treasure buried under your p...
While not as good as some of the previous books in the series, a decent read though way too long. I see no reason why a mystery needs to be almost 700 pages.