by Katherine Owen
Gosh. I really wanted to at least like this book and these characters but... Yeah, not so much. I'm not one who makes a habit of not finishing a book, no matter how hard it is to read and I'm always wondering how things will end so it was a bit like pulling teeth but I finished it. I didn't care for...
I received a copy of this book from netgalley in return for an honest review.OK where to start. I actually really struggled with book. I found the text to be extremely long winded more often than not. Even during the sex scenes I felt the author had this annoying need to go off point and go off o...
This Much Is True by Katherine Owen is a big story than spans years of seemingly more heartache than love. Full review posted here:
9/6/13 ON Sale 99cents. This one is lending enabled too. :-)
This review was posted on: Katherine Owen,I need to tell you what your story has done to me. It has RUINED ME… DEVASTATED ME, KILLED ME, MURDERED ME, MADE ME INSANE WITH GRIEF, MADE ME WITHER...
Woah this was great! Review to come! :D