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Thomas Ligotti
Birth date: July 09, 1953
Thomas Ligotti's Books
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bigfootmurf rated it 5 years ago
‘Lovecraft‘s Monsters’ is a big anthology and this much gloom is probably best taken in small doses unless you‘re from Innsmouth. The very famous Neil Gaiman opens the billing but I’m heading up the review with ‘Remnants’, a short story by Fred Chappell. Fred Chappell! I mean no disrespect to the ot...
Carmilla Reads
Carmilla Reads rated it 5 years ago
“My Work is Not Yet Done” is a collection of one novella and two short stories set in hellish corporate worlds. Ligotti is a bleak writer with a pessimist’s point of view. He sees darkness, despair as omnipresent in this world. However depressed a reader may feel before starting Ligotti’s books, bef...
Grimlock ♥ Ultra Magnus
Grimlock ♥ Ultra Magnus rated it 9 years ago
I love this author, and I love the concept of this book: he takes famous horror, famous people, like Frankenstein, Usher, the Wolfman, and turns the screw just that little more to try and make them more horrific. However, this didn't work for me. The stories were one and two pages, and the pro...
Randolph "Dilda" Carter
Randolph "Dilda" Carter rated it 10 years ago
Above average anthology from the usually outstanding Datlow (the hardest working editor in horror). Avoids some traps by excluding some of the usual suspects you would expect in an anthology like this (I won't name them) and substituting others who I bet this was their first foray into Lovecraftiana...
Bookivorous rated it 10 years ago
OK so if you look at the cover and title of this book and perhaps know something about Ligotti's reputation as a writer of weird and twisted horror fiction, and from that deduce that this is going to be the kind of read which sinks you into a morass of despair, then think again. It's true that Lig...
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