by Ellen Kushner
As you all know, I love Tam Lin retellings, and Thomas the Rhymer is a close cousin. Kushner does a marvelous job with the story and characters. And her fairyland is wonderful–what I so often want fairylands to be (she goes with Elf, rather than fairy, but I’m lumping them together). In a way, what ...
I loved this book when I read it years ago. I haven't thought of it in years, but as soon as I saw it sweeping by on my friends list I grinned.
I love novels like this; that flesh out a traditional tale while remaining true and faithful to the source material. (Like Robin McKinley's 'Beauty', Donna Jo Napoli's 'Zel', etc). This book retells the legend of Thomas the Rhymer, a minstrel taken under the hill for seven years of service to the fa...
My mom was cleaning out her bookshelf, sent me this.