this was a most tedious struggle for me. after about 250 pages it got slightly easier (and was even alright from around pages 350-450) but i really didn't like his writing style at all. (turns out he's a different man than tom wolfe, who i haven't loved, but liked considerably better than thomas w...
This is another thing about whether you can go home. When I was little my father disowned us from both sides of our family. Only very recently, a year or two ago did I start seeing my mother's two sisters. I've been invited to a birthday for one of them this weekend, at which I would see oodles of m...
Its like James Joyce and Walt Whitman had a baby and buried it under an avalanche of words. This is the sort of book you would brag about finishing, but it is not famous enough for anyone to be impressed by your accomplishment. Still, a magnificent novel.
This book just didn't grab my interests. I found it boring so again I stopped half-way thorugh. It didn't teach me much about the Scotch Irish in the US, which is what I was looking for. Most people call this a great classic - well not me!
ooey gooey rich and chewy inside.golden cakey tender flaky outside.wrap the inside in the outside -is it good? darn-tootin!
Rating: 2.5* of fiveThe Book Report: Oliver Gant's a drunk, Eliza Gant's a shrew, they have six kids and she doesn't like him, or childbirth, or poverty, or much of anything else that I can see. Oliver likes his youngest, Eugene, better than any of them (so do I, but that's not sayin' a lot), and sp...