by J. Michael Straczynski, Olivier Coipel
In the movies, Thor is one of my favorite people. So when I saw this volume on Prime Reading. I HAD TO HAVE IT. I loved this way more than I expected. Seriously, it was so good. I loved the stories, every one of them, I just love the characters. I wanted some Sif. I LOVE SIF. But even though she w...
I was a tiny bit confused as this is the first Thor I've ever picked up and I only know about him tangentially.However, the art is great and the variant covers in the back are a treat (Michael Turner has a variant!).The writing, while good, was jumpy and there weren't a lot of segues between the edi...
A deeply impressive reboot. Or rebirth, more appropriately. Thor, and all the Asgardians, were really, truly, legitimately dead in the Marvel U. How to bring them back? Huge props to JMS for how he does handle it. No take backs, no cheap tricks, and no easy routes. The rebirth of the Asgardians is a...
Well, I did miss what happened before but things would seem to have gone badly for the Norse Pantheon and now it's only Thor left. He decides to build a new Valhalla and to cause the gods to awake in the human bodies they now live in.It's interesting, I'm not sure that it truly works without more ba...
I'm a DC fan of long, long standing. From back in the day of the .12 comic. I have never read Marvel comics for a few reasons, some of them very silly, but my guy at the comics store recommended this series to me after we did some talking about the movie. Now see... this has meat in it, the way t...