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Discussion: Numbered Navigation for Blog Posts?
posts: 6 views: 496 last post: 11 years ago
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On the shelf page of the blog there are numbered pages so you can easily skip again a few pages of books on the shelf but for the blog all you get is previous and next buttons so you have to repeatedly click through each page.

Is there any way to get the numbered pages on the main blog section? I sense this is something a bit advanced if it is doable, so if there's already a tutorial for this specific thing, I'd really appreciate it if someone would point me towards it. Thanks.
Yeah the page numbers to click at the bottom is what I meant and I meant the blog page as others see it. I frequently use that when browsing through my posts because even clicking next multiple times can be easier than just endlessly scrolling down when I go to the blog page that's next to the dashboard. There are next/previous buttons on the bottom of your blog page, you just have to scroll down past several posts to get to them.
It scrolls endlessly in the blog page next to your dashboard, just not on the blog page that others see.
I'm surprised no one has responded with info on the coding to do this. Blogs on Blogger have navigation similar to here, but I was able to find a way to insert coding to get numbered pages, so there must be a way to do it here. I just don't know anything about javascript so I'd have no idea how to write the code myself to get it to work on this site.
I don't think this is possible with the current variables available for the blog page. The shelf page has the following variables:

{{ pages }} Number of pages
{{ page }} Current page
{{ pageHref }} Pagination URL

The blog page has the following variables:

{{ page }} Current page
{{ isNextPage }} Next page of posts

You'd need the number of pages at least in order to make a range equation, the pagination URL would make it easier to implement the page url but I can think of a few ways to get that done already. The only problem is not knowing the number of pages since then you'd have {{ page + 4 }} outputting something like 9 when you only have 8 pages. Heh, I hope that makes sense.

I'd suggest making a suggestion post for them to add those variables to the blog page template. The list of current variables can be found here: http://booklikes.com/template/docs

ETA: Infinite scroll is a possibility with the current available variables if you implement jQuery. Information on how to implement that, here: http://imakewebthings.com/jquery-waypoints/shortcuts/infinite-scroll/
Thanks for the information.

I'm really not interested in infinite scroll though. For me that would be even more inconvenient than having to click next repeatedly in order to get to my oldest posts.
Need help?