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Discussion: The rules?
posts: 7 views: 424 last post: 11 years ago
created by: Gloria's Pages
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I'm sorry, I didn't see where I could message the admin directly. I'd like to join but I noticed that the rules say 'only positive posts'. The fact is though, sometimes I don't have anything positive to say about a book. If I don't like it, or if I feel there's something troubling to discuss I'd like to join a group where I could talk freely about those issues. People who know me from the Good Reads m/m group know I don't believe in attacking other posters or authors, but there are some books I very much disagree with and would like to discuss them. I like spirited debate, but not personal attacks. Is this the right group for me?
Good question and point. I'm trying to avoid some of the less pleasant things have have occurred in other groups.
I have no problems with posts to the effect of I didn't care for this because...followed by a reasoned debate. And it may be appropriate for some discussions to be linked to a post on your BL blog so they can be discussed in more detail there. Especially if it is linked to a book review already posted there.
I don't want any personal attacks such as: This author sucks or this reviewer doesn't know shit. Nothing good ever comes of that.
Pretty much if everyone can behave like adults, I don't feel we will have problems.
I hope that answers your question. If you have any other concerns, I can be reached at KaylaJameth@hotmail.com.
That's good to know, I'll try the group out and see if I fit then. I think the only time I've ever attacked an author in a review was for a book that I felt promoted pedophila.. urrgg
I was actually surprised someone else hadn't already done it.
I have a question, as I saw an author in another thread in this group complaining how she was not loved at GR - is this a group for author-reader-interaction? Or mainly for readers/reviewers? Because if the intention is on author-reader-interaction it will be a different group. Or maybe we can separate the threads?

I would prefer a group/thread with only readers and reviewers to be honest (given the experience at GR). But I fully understand if that is not the intention here - just want to know what to expect here.
This is a group for authors, readers and reviewers.
If you have concerns about the inclusion of authors, you might consider creating your own discussion group for readers and reviewers. Maybe something along the lines of M/M Romance Reviewers.
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