The Maid - Kimberly Cutter
Reading start: 2015-07-01
Reading finish: 2015-07-31
Discussion posts will be up on 7/10, 7/17, 7/24, and 7/31.
Reading breakdown is coming soon!
Reply to post #2
(show post):
hahaha it's like you don't want it to be July ;) those are all June dates silly!
Oh, gah. I'll fix it. I hadn't had coffee yet. LOL!
Reply to post #4
(show post):
coffee is necessary, especially on Friday's :)
So who will be joining us in July? Has anyone been waiting to read this book?
What's the reading breakdown?
Nothing yet. Lol. I have to get this from the library today. But don't worry, the first discussion post isn't until next week.
I am so sorry about the delay on this one guys! The library had a mix up, and sent my copy to the wrong branch/person who requested it. I should have a copy tomorrow.
Okay, thanks to the lovely Tina, we have a reading breakdown!
Since we're late on starting, we're going to do this in 3 weeks.
Weekend of 7/17 - Epigraph to end of Part II
Weekend of 7/24 - Part III to end of Part IV
Weekend of 7/31 - Part V to end
As always, feel free to read at your own pace! I've decided to leave the discussion posts open an extra month after the book is over!