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Discussion: TAT - Shooting Scars book 2 (spoilers)
posts: 5 views: 224 last post: 11 years ago
created by: Drea's Book Fetish
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^^this cover^^ team Camden or Javier??? Yea, I went there.
Team 'Camden' until OES, then no question, 'Team Javier'
Ellie, ultimately had my vote though, I wanted her to get a break, and. As just hoping that could be with Javier
OES definitely made a serious Javier impression on me
I'm still torn, I think I'll know after I finally read Bold Tricks
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Have you read Bold Tricks yet?
Yes, not exactly what I expected but at the end of the day it was still a 4 star read for me. What I loved about this series prior to Bold Tricks, was the fact that Ellie wasn't the conventuals heroine. She was ruthless in her quest to seek revenge and had an inherent leaning towards her criminal background. I didn't 'see' this Ellie in Bold Tricks as much as I hoped. The first three books in this series were all from memory 5 star reads for me and that's because I was limited tom5 stars LOL
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