This one really needs to stop. I have read so many books with this recently and there is no real way to know beforehand if it's present in a book. (This is not about a hero/heroine who has cheated on someone or the hero/heroine before. I refuse to read any story with that and would likely DNF any book that sprung that on me).
This is where the hero or heroine was cheated on in their last relationship. Usually it's something really heinous that just makes me rage even more than it would have anyway. Most of the time the only bad things to happen to someone is the person (typically heroine) who was cheated on. The cheaters get to have their awesome lives and no retribution for what they did. The worst of that trend is the sister stealing the fiancé or husband. And every. damn. time. The heroine forgives her! Every time!
Why do authors think we want to read about awful people getting away with being awful? What do we, as readers, gain from these stories and the ridiculous forgiving? Nothing! If I want to read about awful people getting away with being awful I'd read a newspaper, pay attention to the real world. That is not why I read fiction/romance. I want the bad people to suffer! I don't want cheaters to have good lives. I don't to see a person hurt and then tortured more. I don't want the heroine to forgive. I don't care if that's her sister. That fact didn't matter to the sister when she was screwing the heroine's fiancé/husband. It makes me so mad.
There are too many permutations of this trope to cover, but it enrages me every time. Make it stop!