Authors: please add your Facebook page address and your Twitter names so that other readers and writers may follow you!
I'll start! My Facebook page is I thank you kindly in advance for your LIKE! My Twitter name is @Oathtakers.
My twitter is @Aluenvey. I hang out occassionally, though I'm more frequently drawing fantasy maps.
Hi! I'm all over the place, but most often found on twitter.
Alice Janell
Alice Janell
Alice Janell
Reply to post #4
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I "liked" you from my personal Facebook page (Trish Reding) and have followed you on Twitter. I see that I you've returned the follow already. Thank you! When I get a minute, I'll spend some time looking over all your things.
So, what do you find to say on Twitter? I always find I'm at a loss. . . .
I adore Twitter. I use hashtags to find interest convos and people to follow. Most of what I tweet is utter nonsense, but sometimes I talk about writing, reading, knitting, movies and video games. I also abuse hashtags by creating silly ones some times.
I was at a loss when I first started Twitter too, but I find the more you use it, the more people you meet and the more fun it becomes…but I've also been on Twitter for years...