So. For those of us who have started, how many words have you written today?
for me, none so far (because I'm working on something non-Nano... I'm bad. On the other hand it's only been November for about four hours for me)
Also, I think we should start a thread featuring our favorite passages that we've written so far, but I'm lazy and hate starting multiple threads myself. Hrmph.
I got 1,692 and I'm done for the night. I worked a 9 hour day so I am not too concerned. I'll get further ahead on the weekend. I'm troubled that most of my first few pages are about a dog....I didn't intend it that way but that's the way it went.
I've got 2773 words done. let's see if this continues.
All I got done was a brief character sketch of my two main characters and the plot outline to the first two chapters. I spent a good amount of time looking at my "Fantasy Art" on pinterest looking at possible world-building ideas and scenery.
I'm completely unprepared and don't have my plot outlined at all, but I got to 1,685 anyway. That'll do it for today! As I write, I'm getting more of an idea of where I want to go with it.
I just discovered over in Book 2 (yes I'm doing two books, gahhhh) that gryphons are that world's equivalent of giant pandas. And my main character is a gryphon fan. If he lived in our world he'd have the panda cam on 24/7 at home and on his work computer because [strike]pandas[/strike]gryphons.
Just hit 5,382! I was hoping for more but I am dead exhausted so I have to stop for the night. And now that I'm in my groove the words are flowing really nicely.
So far 8,025. At this rate I'll finish on the 19th, although in my experience it's a bit too early to tell if I'll finish at all.
Just got through a really emotional sex scene.
12,125 words. but I may have stalled.
I'm 10,550 Words at the moment.
14,222 words at the moment. I've been sick for the last few days so I haven't done much writing.
A little over 11K at the moment.
Just peaked over 20,000, I am so behind it's not even funy.