by Andrew Grey, Mary Calmes, Amy Lane
"Fate Delivers a Prince "by Andrew Grey: Features a Big Misunderstanding that could have been cleared up with five minutes of conversation. Meh"Jump "by Mary Calmes: A typical Mary Calmes story - adorable perfect bottom, big gorgeous macho top. Fun if you are in the mood for it. The story was enjoya...
Overall rating - 4.25Fate Delivers a Prince by Andrew Grey - 4 starsThis was a very intriguing story. Not only does it provide uniqueness in the form Cheyenne having a skin condition, one that his werewolf abilities can't cure, but Arthur, Chay's love interest, is a non-shifting wolf. It's always in...
Grey: 3Clunky prose, but mostly pleasant. Calmes: 4Fun. Hot menz.Lane: 5Odd artifacts in cadence, but the most ambitious of the three. Satisfying and sexy.
I read all three stories and my favorite would have to be Mary Calmes. I really liked Andrew Grey's and it hurts to say but I think the weakest would have to be Amy Lane's. It's not bad at all, but comparing to the other 2 stories, I didn't feel as connected to the characters or story.
Andrew Grey DNFMary Calmes 5 starsAmy Lane 4 starsReview coming later!
All the stories were well written and fun to read. I had some issues and they're pretty similar to those that were mentioned by Pete W's in his review.
4 1/2 HeartsFirst published at MM Good Book Reviews readers you are in for a treat with three wonderful stories from three wonderful authors, with three slightly different sets of Fate that incl...