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Till R. Lohmeyer - Community Reviews back

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Booklife of Bia
Booklife of Bia rated it 7 years ago
This was a really exciting read that kept me interested from the beginning to the end. I also liked the topic - women fighting in WWII, because stories like that are not very much known, and also rather uncommon for that time (meaning a woman's role was being a mother, a housewive, maybe a telephoni...
In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.
Vielleicht war es mein Fehler, dass ich den Film gesehen habe, bevor ich das Buch gelesen habe, aber vieles war einfach besser umgesetzt - zum Beispiel haben die Filmtode der beiden Hamleigh-Eltern besser zu der immer beschriebenen Hinterhältigkeit von den beiden und Bigod gepasst. Und auch Philipp ...
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