Timothy E.Campbell, AKA: Author Tim Campbell of the book "Earth-Zone Playground Odyssey." Tim is just an ordinary citizen of Planet Earth expressing his keen concerns and sharing his observations and personal opinions with readers who possess the same particular viewpoints and conscientious...
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Timothy E.Campbell, AKA: Author Tim Campbell of the book "Earth-Zone Playground Odyssey." Tim is just an ordinary citizen of Planet Earth expressing his keen concerns and sharing his observations and personal opinions with readers who possess the same particular viewpoints and conscientious convictions. At one time a University of Arizona(Tucson)student, and then graduated to a higher level in life as a successful entrepreneur businessman. Tecra Design, global interior materials manufacturing along with a retail business known as: Star Base Central. A new age true scientific based enterprise along with a vast variety of Science fiction goods. At the present time, now an active author and futureprenuer.
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