Tim Nyberg started out his writing career as a graphic designer and illustrator. With his wife, Julie, they created four creative children's books, the "Jake's Unfolding Adventures" series. The series was heavily illustrated and literally unfolded like a road map as the story built. Then, the...
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Tim Nyberg started out his writing career as a graphic designer and illustrator. With his wife, Julie, they created four creative children's books, the "Jake's Unfolding Adventures" series. The series was heavily illustrated and literally unfolded like a road map as the story built. Then, the Duct Tape Books happened (the complete story is at http://www.ducttapeguys.com/jimntim). This is where Tim met his friend, Tony Dierckins, Duct Tape Book one editor and subsequent Duct Tape Book co-author. With Tony, Tim continued the Duct Tape book genre and delved into other humor topics such as, "How To Get Rid of a Telemarketer," "When I'm an Old Man, I'll Wear Mixed Plaids," "the WD-40 Book" and "The Habits of Seven Highly Annoyiing People." And with Joey Green, "The Bubble Wrap Book" and "The Warning Label Book." The Duct Tape Book genre introduced what Tim calls "Intelligent Stupidity" - which he and his co-Duct Tape Guy, Jim Berg, have woven into a popular stand-up comedy act which has toured throughout North America, England and Germany (the Germans didn't get it). They have been seen frequently on a variety of television shows from TBS's "Man Made Movie" to "The History Channel" dispensing the history of duct tape. Now with seven books and ten Page-A-Day Calendars in their Duct Tape Trilogy, their "breathtakingly stupid" writing career documenting the myriad uses of duct tape continues without any signs of stopping.Tim's solo humor writing career includes "The Practical Joker's Handbook," "The Beanie Basher's Handbook" and "99 bottles of Beer on the Wall - the complete lyrics" (AM Universal, fall 2006). Weary of many people asking Tim how to get published, Tim launched http://www.monkeymarketing.com to dispense his usual advise. He has future plans of writing a book detailing his free and cheap (although bestsellingly effective) book marketing ideas.Tim is 30-years into a happy marriage to his "best friend" and constant source of critique and encouragement. They have two grown kids - a daughter who's a wonderful music teacher and incredible jazz singer, and a son who's an amazingly prolific and thoughtful writer and also a skilled jazz drummer.Keen on any creative endeavor, Tim has recently taken up fine art. His online gallery may be viewed at http://www.octanecreative.com/art.
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