Tim Parks
Birth date: January 01, 1954
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Imaginaros que, por un azar del destino, James Joyce y Stephen King se conocen. Se hacen amigos, y como a los dos les gusta la literatura, decien escribir un libro juntos. La obra maestra de todos los tiempos. Pues eso es lo que pensaba este tal Tim Parks cuando acometio este bodrio nefasto. Os cuen...
Tabucchi, where have you been all my life?! I feel like I want to read all your books in a day, to cover my walls with posters of you and to write a cheesy poem declaring my undying love for you. I am a girl of twelve again, only this time my heart is too old for feelings this strong, so my wallet w...
If you love Greek myths, you have to check this out. It is more of a book length essay about them, so don't think you are going to read a novel. The parts about heroes and monsters are really, really interesting and worth thinking about it.
I used to dream of living in Italy. Tim Parks did not prepare me for the reality. Not much could.
This is an interesting look at one pain, his pain and what happened when he tried out meditation and how it changed his relationship with his pain and his life and where he actually had to examine his mind-body connection. It's actually an interesting read, and I dare you to read it without startin...