Genre: Christmas / Food / Fantasy / Family Year Published: 1991 Year Read: 2009 Publisher: Rabbit Ears Books “A Gingerbread Christmas” is one of the holiday classics featured in the Rabbit Ears collection and is about how two living gingerbreads, both of royalty, try to save Chris...
Genre: Animal / Drama / Humor Year Published: 1986 Year Read: 2007 Series: Rabbit Ears / Storybook Classics “The Elephant’s Child” is the first “Just so” story introduced in the Rabbit Ears Storybook Classics series and is easily one of Rabbit Ears’ finest videos since it won a Grammy Award in the...
I thought this book was a pretty clever retelling of The Boy Who Cried Wolf. My niece and nephew both liked it, but I really think a lot of the puns went over their heads. Adults will probably giggle more at this one than kids will.
Working on my Spanish vocabulary. This was a fun one.