Time Enough For Love
9780450048593 (0450048594)
Publish date: January 1st 1981
Publisher: dder & Stoughton Ltd
Edition language: English
Series: The World As Myth
There are two kinds of Heinlein fans. Many meet in the middle in loving works such as The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, but the divide comes between those who love his earlier books, his juveniles, the more straight-line traditional adventures, and books such as Stranger in a Strange Land and Time Enoug...
I’ve been meaning to write on a Heinlein book for a while, and I’m still delaying on my favorite one, but I think it is time for my favorite author to get some attention. Yes, I’ll admit it: I’m a Heinlein junkie. This is not, however, the book that I would recommend reading for your first Heinlein ...
"Tiempo de Amar" es una continuación, si se prefiere así, de “Los hijos de Matusalén”. Es la historia de la vida de Lazarus Long, contada por él mismo, donde el pasado y el presente, y los diferentes pasados, se entrelazan y se superponen unos a otros. Como en las Mil y una Noches, tenemos historia...
I have a love-hate relationship with Heinlein. Some of his stuff is great. Some of it, like Farnham's Freehold, which I reviewed here, I simply hate. However, I like enough of his work that I seek more. This was a book that took me a long time to get through, but when I got done, it was well worth i...
- Mr. Lazarus Long, since you happen to be passing through the early twenty-first century, could you give us a few priceless gems of homespun wisdom for the Goodreads membership to marvel at?- Gosh darn it, when I see all the cute females on this site, how can I say no? Could you just pass me the......