by Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman, Matt Stawicki
I had fond memories of the Dragonlance 'Chronicles', but it was the 'Legends' trilogy that stuck with me through the years. Time travel, deep lore, and epic battles form a backdrop to a pair of seriously screwed up brothers. At the end of 'Dragons of Spring Dawning' Raistlin had come into some ser...
Re-reading this book (and series) for review purposes.
This is just the first book in a trilogy, but who knows when I’ll have time to finish the other two books! This book is set in the same universe at the Dragonlance Chronicles and follows three of the main characters from that trilogy into the future (and past >.>). For those of you who didn’t read m...
Overall for the series, it held up better than I expected, now that I'm not reading it through the haze of an adoring twelve-year-old. Raistlin is more convincingly evil; Crysania is even more irritating, and Caramon is almost insufferably ridiculous for this entire book than I remembered, but it wa...
This trilogy was slightly more interesting that it's predecessor ("The Chronicles") as it focused on the most interesting character (Raistlin) and had a slightly less conventional story line but not something I would these days. I thoroughly enjoyed it at the time and my relatively high rating refle...
Small Review: My two favourite characters are on this book. Raistlin and Tassheloff. Caramon and Crysania are in it too. Interesting tale about the mind of Raistlin and the quest to rule the Abyss overthrowing Takhisis. This was the tale of Finstandituls and Raistlin travelled back in time to fulfil...