by Edward F. Colborn
bookshelves: published-1910, skim-through, art-forms, winter-20122013 Recommended for: Laura, Wanda, Susanna Read on December 20, 2012 CONTENTS: GEYSERLANDThe Way in and OutThe SceneryCoaching in the ParkPark Regulations and ImprovementsThe GeysersOld FaithfulThe Canyon and Falls of the Yello...
CONTENTS:GEYSERLANDThe Way in and OutThe SceneryCoaching in the ParkPark Regulations and ImprovementsThe GeysersOld FaithfulThe Canyon and Falls of the YellowstoneGEYSER TIME TABLEA FEW OF THE IMPORTANT POOLS AND SPRINGSThe Mammoth Hot SpringsThe Tame Wild AnimalsThe InnsThe Stage LineTHE YELLOWSTON...