by Harper Lee
(Original review, 2004-08-27)There was a programme on the radio a few years ago which took a harsher view of the book. To summarise, Atticus Finch tried to win his case by substituting one prejudice (racism) with another (low-class women are loose and predatory). Beneath the charm, nostalgia and so ...
How does one review a classic when so many people have reviewed it before? This was a beautiful book, even though the unfairness depicted in it hurts. My only complaint is that there was one disturbing thing that was not addressed. In the trial scene, Tom Robinson said that Mayella Ewell said she'...
I’m not sure what to say about this book that hasn’t been said 61,500 times before. Seriously, that’s how many reviews To Kill A Mockingbird has on Goodreads. This is going to be a short review because I literally have nothing to add to the conversation. Even if you’ve never read To Kill A Mocking...
A few weeks ago, I admitted on Facebook that I'd never read To Kill a Mockingbird. Several people I respect told me that I ought to, because it's a wonderful novel. So I ordered a copy.Little did I know how timely our discussion was. Harper Lee died a week ago, on February 19th, 2016.I won't do a bi...
I read this book in school and had forgotten all but the basic story line (somehow I forgot all about Dill, and most of the townsfolk, and their Aunt). I was listening to the section following the trial when Atticus is talking to Jem and getting frustrated in how little somethings seem to have chang...
I seem to have had a run of good books recently and this one was no exception. I may have read this one in the past, but I didn’t feel any re-collection in the far-reaching corners of my mind while reading, so I assume that somehow this American classic passed me by. Thank God I’ve rectified that no...