Tobias Wolff
Birth date: June 19, 1945
Tobias Wolff's Books
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Our Story Begins is a collection of some of Tobias Wolff's greatest stories, and it's clear as to why they've been selected for this collection. Like Raymond Carver and Richard Yates, Wolff is able to create stunning realism. The stories aren't very plot-heavy, but those are the stories I end up lov...
Found the book thanks to an old Harriet Gilbert's podcast. Isn't she great? I've found so many books from her BBC shows, either A Good Read or World Book Club. Love her voice and how she digs up interesting points from a book, writer or her guests. She always managed to bring up something I've not n...
FIVE STARS!!!!Found the book thanks to an old Harriet Gilbert's podcast. Isn't she great? I've found so many books from her BBC shows, either A Good Read or World Book Club. Love her voice and how she digs up interesting points from a book, writer or her guests. She always managed to bring up someth...
There is a reason I like reading memoirs. I like reading something that is real, not something fake, or fictional, that is impossible or improbable, but something that could happen to anyone. As the old saying goes, "Truth is stranger than fiction." This memoir does not disappoint. It covers To...
Ever since I read This Boy's Life I was dying to know what had happened to Jack/Toby, more than just the wrap up we got at the end of the book, and I also wanted to read more of Tobias Wolff. And although Old School is described as a novel, not a memoir, I can still hear the same voice of Jack/Toby ...