Set in the same future universe as the much enjoyed Anne Manx series, rises this new tale. Maureen Barnett, a once famous singer and performer, is now lucky to be performing at a smokey dive. She’s constantly arguing with her teenage daughter, Holly, who she pretty much ignored as a kid as she focus...
Anne Manx is a rookie cadet at the intergalactic police academy. There, she meets Jean Richmond, who is a senior cadet. Fans of the audiobook series will also recognize other characters like Jack Reynolds. Since I am already a fan of Anne Manx via the audiobook series, I was quite intrigued by this ...
Fun and highly listenable anthology stories on time travel and nicely narrated by different readers. I love speculation about time travel and such and hence enjoyed these multiple takes on time travel. I listened to these stories with my wife since they make for good entertainment and none of the st...