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It was my hope that a book of essays covering writers the likes of Laurence Sterne, Franz Kafka, James Joyce, and Kathy Acker, as well as McCarthy's thoughts on Patty Hearst, David Lynch, and Sonic Youth would interest me to no end. But I was wrong. Rarely did I felt engaged, and all through the tex...
Thanks to Net Galley and to Jonathan Cape for providing me a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. Honestly? I enjoyed the book. On the other hand, would I recommend it? Well, it depends. The book is narrated in the first person by U., an anthropologist working for a global corporation,...
Someday I'm going to see this novel on a bookshelf and say, “I think I've read that. It looks familiar. And yet I can't quite say what that book was about. I think there was... no, I don't remember. It seemed to be getting at something big, but... no, I don't recall. Maybe it was a different book I ...
Here is a nice review of Remainder by Tom McCarthy. In the review I link, there is mention/comparison to Proust's [b:In Search of Lost Time|18796|In Search of Lost Time (À la recherche du temps perdu #1-7)|Marcel Proust||21467164]. Ear...
I can appreciate why this book would appeal to others, but it really just wasn't my cup of tea. The writing is poetic and the hallucinations and descriptions of mental instability are artful. I appreciate and understand that this novel is a bit like a Suzanne Vega song. It resonates dreams and po...