Meine Meinung Mit „J. R. R. Tolkien – Autor des Jahrhunderts“ legt Tom Shippey keine gewöhnliche Biographie, sondern die Ergebnisse seiner Tolkien-Forschung vor. Gekonnt untermauert er die Herangehensweise von Tolkien an seine einzelnen Werke. In diesem Fall werden „Der Hobbit“, „Der Herr der Ring...
This is a truly beautiful book, with gorgeous color illustrations on almost every page 2-page spread, so reading it, even flipping through it, is a delight. The first thing I did was check to see which of my favorite literary worlds had been included (Strange/Norrell! Thursday Next! And lots of othe...
Part biography, part whatever Shippey thought and all his pet ideas. My least favorite (or one of them) of 50+ LOTR and JRRT books I read in 2002. Not at all recommended. It is more about Shippey and his perspectives and psychological theories about John or his books. Instead, read a) JRRT's own let...
A little too hagiographic, perhaps, but Shippey's a good author and he can at least make the case that Tolkien has had a near overwhelming influence on fantasy in the last century (mostly for the better, I think).