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Tomo Iwo - Community Reviews back

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A Bit Bookish
A Bit Bookish rated it 9 years ago
It's a lottery. But in this lottery, there's no multi-million dollar check to turn your life around. No, this is the worst thing that could happen to you if you're a ninth grader in the economically and sociologically bankrupt future that creators Koushun Takami and Masayuki Taguchi have dreamed up....
KizunaYueMichaelis rated it 10 years ago
Between the novel and the manga, I decided to read the manga. But maybe I should have started with the movie. The plot is catchy, and all is so crazy and gore. At first I almost quit, because of the artwork. It looked funny, almost cartoonish. And I don't like when the mangaka overdoes the crying: l...
Morbid Obsession (Kynthos)
Morbid Obsession (Kynthos) rated it 11 years ago
Still super disturbing to me eventhough this is my 2nd attempt at tackling this story. The story makes me angry and I am not sure if I'll continue reading the rest of the volumes. I just can't stomach unrestrained violence and too much gore. Just too much senseless killings for me. *shudder*The art ...
Reading is Therapy
Reading is Therapy rated it 11 years ago
I liked to see a bit more of Mim (even if he was dead). On the other side i didn't quite like to see how sexually or disgusting are graphed the female characters, all except Nori. I don't like her semi princess semi virgin condition.
Reading is Therapy
Reading is Therapy rated it 11 years ago
The whole final battle with Kazuo was ridiculous. Yes, he had an accident when he was young, but how does that makes him bullet proof? explosion proof? car accident proof? It makes me mad. I didn't complain when others characters didn't wince while taking multiples gunshot, i didn't rolled my eyes w...
Reading is Therapy
Reading is Therapy rated it 11 years ago
The ending was pretty weak. What's with the escape to america? And why kill Kawada when all is settled already? (those are rhetorical questions). "You watch, that's why they died." This is something to think about. Really. In conclusion, i've never really been a fan of sheinen but i decided to give ...
Reading is Therapy
Reading is Therapy rated it 11 years ago
I liked the transcendent part in vol. 11 but here it just got caricatured and dragon ball z-ish. Also even if it was expected that Kazuo would make it to the last 5, i didn't liked how "invincible" he seems. I understand that he is to be seen as a robot (and i don't complain on the lack of feelings ...
Anotações Literárias
Anotações Literárias rated it 12 years ago
4,7 estrelas
Stuti's blog for depleting ships
Stuti's blog for depleting ships rated it 12 years ago
The creators sure don't shy away from carnage and gore. I just don't get how ninth-graders, 14 and 15-year olds, can have such disturbingly sexual prowess and be so lusty. The urge to kill before you get I killed I understand but those sex and rape talks from people my age don't sit well with me. I ...
Emily May (The Book Geek)
Emily May (The Book Geek) rated it 14 years ago
This volume of the awesome and terrible series focused on some of my favourite characters. The delightful Shinji Mimura, who struggled to accept love and put up an act of bravado to cover it; Shogo Kawada, the seemingly tough warrior with a heart of gold; and Kiriyama, the guy you can't say you like...
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