Tomoko Ninomiya
Birth date: May 25, 1969
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Meh, it was ok. The ending was sweet, but I had expected more from it. After all they have been through, and the fact they have a serious relationship, I expected at least a proposal (I wouldn't call what happened at the end of chapter 10 that). But no...It was mostly Opera, Opera and Opera. *sighs*...
Review for the whole manga. :)I finished this series a week or so ago. And wow what a ride it was. Finally I had a chance to read the whole manga, and not just parts of it. I must say, now that I read the manga, that the anime and jdorama did quite a good job. Most we find in the manga is also found...
I know I said I wouldn't write a review until I finished, but after reading this book, I just need to vent! OMG They finally [spoiler] KISSED, ok maybe it doesn't count for much since Nodame doesn't remember much of it, but Chiaki kissed her! *cheers*. [/spoiler] So excited for what is to come ...
Chiaki learns to not take Nodame for granted. And that concert... WOW. The passion Nodame puts in the piano; it may be images only, but you can listen to the magnificent concert.
Chiaki is finally loosing up a bit, and he is not the cold-grumpy-bastard he was at the beginning. He even confessed Nodame is his girlfriend! We have loads of scenes of Nodame playing the piano here. Which is always cool.How Japanese eat their Soba... this is very interesting. They have to make noi...