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The singularity promises that humanity will die and the machines will rise. Oh, you big tease. You know that's not going to happen. I was sucked into this story, as Vic and Sarah try to take down Anomoly, and Black Narcissus fights her board - just a little - as she uses her company's R&D toys to...
But I had a hard time getting into this. Once I did, there was a lot about the Singularity, Anomoly, and what can be done to humans - with or without their consent. In addition, there's a parallel story where Sarah gives Cyborg information - and maybe has been controlling his boom tubes. (Which...
Well, kinda. It's a digital version and he starts to uncover the painful memories his father hid from him. Dr. Stone wasn't trying to be cruel or controlling; his son was having a hard enough time adapting to the alien technology that made Victor Stone Cyborg. He was afraid the traumatic memor...
Cyborg's given the explanation of why Anomaly is after him - which has to do with how he was created, and what Silas Stone had to do with the backstory there. And it's all fun in a dysfunctional family horror show kind of way. I'm loving Cyborg, more and more. Everything Vic goes through and ...
A young woman who was undercover gets injured so severely by a terrorist attack - in a foreign country - that she can only be saved by duplicating the procedure that created Cyborg. Normally, the US would let this go: it's a tragedy and she's a hero. Creating Cyborg was traumatic for everyone, i...