Tony Laplume created the cartoon strip "Newsroom" in the fall of 1998 and did not become world famous because of it. Despite this setback, Tony eventually released books such as the existential superhero saga "Cloak of Shrouded Men" and sci-fi short story collection "Monorama." His work can...
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Tony Laplume created the cartoon strip "Newsroom" in the fall of 1998 and did not become world famous because of it. Despite this setback, Tony eventually released books such as the existential superhero saga "Cloak of Shrouded Men" and sci-fi short story collection "Monorama." His work can also be found in the anthologies "Villainy" and "The Temporal Element," as well as "Project Mayhem," which he edited. "Terror of Knowing" is a collection of poetry. "Orbit: Mikhail Prokhorov" is a comic book biography. His latest book is "Yoshimi and the Shadow Clan," the first of a trilogy. He has been writing since before he was born, and currently resides in Colorado Springs. "Newsroom" has never been collected, which continues to bother its many fans, several of whom live on the moon.
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