I never knew that moles were adorable until I read Moletown by Torben Kuhlmann. (You may remember him from such posts as this one or this one.) I also had no idea that they would work as a perfect stand-in for humans. Kuhlmann once again knocks it right out of the park with this story of urbanizatio...
Every year at the New York Public Library a list of the Best Books for Kids is crafted. I had a peek at this year's list and grabbed a few to read and review for the blog. Don't be surprised if you see a lot of picture books in the coming weeks. :-) When I saw the illustration style of Armstrong: ...
Armstrong – Die abenteuerliche Reise einer Maus zum Mond (Torben Kuhlmann) Erschienen: 25. Juli 2016 Seitenzahl: 128 Verlag: NordSüd Verlag Hardcover: 19,99 € ISBN: 978334103483 Der Autor Torben Kuhlmann ist ein deutscher Kommunikationsdesigner, Illustrator und Bilderbuchautor. Er studierte Illust...
* Review copy provided by Netgalley *I knew there was a conspiracy about the moon landing. I just knew it!The story begins with a little mouse fascinated by views of the night sky, and the moon in particular, from his telescope. He studiously made notes of his observations.He excitedly informs the...
**An ARC of this book was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*Full review to come closer to publication.Very cute story, and a bit longer than your average picture book. And the ART is amazing. Definitely picking this up once published for myself the nephew.
I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley for my honest reviewReview to be posted closer to pub. date
I really like the idea of wordless (or almost wordless) books with beautiful pictures that "speak". This is the story of how Moletown was first settled, how it grew and developed, and the problems that brought. But there's always people willing to find a solution, right?This was one of those books y...
Disclaimer: ARC via Netgalley. I never really thought about moles much until I read William Horwood’s Book of Silence Trilogy and his Duncton Chronicles (the actual reading order should be Chronicles and then Silence). I liked Wind in the Willows, but I was a Ratty person, if you...
Story:Seit einiger Zeit ist das Leben für Mäuse in Hamburg schwer geworden – die Mausefalle wurde erfunden, Katzen und Eulen machen die Straßen unsicher. Immer mehr Nager fliehen aus der Stadt nach Amerika und lassen eine kleine, intelligente Maus zurück, die alles daran setzt ihre Freunde wiederzuf...