by Andrea Colt
Long story short: I loved it! ✓ I loved the awesome main characters for their sense of humour, and their funny pranks and because it was so cute to see how they found their way to each other after so many years. ✓ I loved how Rose kept her head held high and even though she had to admit to somethi...
Oh,wow. This book came as a huge surprise! I had no idea it would be so good. Last week, I was looking for books bellow 300 pages I could read, just so I can catch up with my GR reading challenge so I choose Torched because it seemed like a cute book about working with your enemy who would turn out ...
I really enjoyed Torched and couldn't put it down! This book is just filled with drama and it's great.Rose is in her senior year of high school. She is a cheerleader and at the top of her class academically. However, she is then framed for burning down her boyfriends family boat. She is determined t...
Sweetly adorable. Really enjoyed it.
I'll be the first to admit that I usually ignore unsolicited author requests for reviews. Oh, sure, I read the summary and check out the cover, but usually I slip it into my "author requests" folder and forget about it. But every once in awhile, I get one that makes me take a second glance...and a...