by Jane Yolen
For some reason, I feel a desire to call for people with pitchforks and torches so we can go attack Parent Groups.I did not know that Yolen's Briar Rose had been burned. I knew it was on a list of banned and challenged books, but I hadn't known that someone had threw it on the fire.:growl:The probl...
A concise, witty, impassioned master class on the central work of story in childhood. Yolen has a remarkable eye for the tricky, interesting nuances of morality in folklore; she smoothly deploys a range of smart quotations and deftly weaves in a ton of research without ever losing her own sly voice...
This book blew me away. It's a collection of essays about fantasy and humanity and storytelling. It's also exquisitely written, and it reinforces prejudices I didn't even realize I had. Any number of times in this book, Yolen explicated something which immediately resonated with me as something I be...