REVIEW: BILLIONAIRE EVER AFTER BY Margo Bond Collins, Victoria Pinder, Stephanie Queen, Traci Hall, A.E. Easterlin, Allison Gatta, Ann Omasta, Blaire Edens, Caitlyn Lynch, Cheryl Phipps, Christine Kingsley, Courtney Hunt, Cristiane Serruya, Debbie White, K.L. Brady, M.M. Chabot, Tierney O'Malley,...
A sweet twist on the Grinch scenario. Gordon bottles up his anger and resentment along with loneliness and pain to the point where his bitterness overshadows everything that has importance in his life. Holly is the optimist that turns his life upside down and pulls him kicking and screaming into the...
Never A Bride by Traci HallListened to this book as an audio book.Mike is getting married and his brother Jared arrives. He had broken up his marriage and left to go to Alaska and never came back.He was to wed Sheena. At the rehearsal dinner Jared is next to his father and they talk and we learn ho...
I received an ARC of Hearts and Kisses for an honest review. This is a box set of books about love written by a compilation of authors. Like most box sets of books --there are some stories that you love and others you do not. Some of the books this set contained I already owned and others I disco...
I actually haven't been reading very many mysteries of late, so I enjoyed diving back into the genre with Blood Orchids, Toby Neal's debut crime novel. This was a fast-paced book that proved to be a quick read and was perfect for the last few evenings. Not only do we have the mystery behind the di...