by Shay Savage
4.5 EHD-Is-The-Cutest-Caveman-Ever-And-Oh,-Beh-Is-Cute-Too-I-Guess StarsA few days without internet connection, you'd hav thought that I had enough time to think of how to rant bout this one book that I really but NO! I didn't finish my rant, I didn't even get pass the rating thingie -_-WTF am I gon...
I'm obviously in the minority but this book was not for me. I thought the premise had promise to be a fun, yet cracky, read but I found it rather tedious. Had it been told from "Beh"'s POV I may have found it more interesting. Ah well.
I gave up after Chapter 4. I guess this wasn't for me.
I absolutely loved this book. I was very excited to start it, because in many books the characters act like caveman and feel like them, but to actually read about a real one was amazing!!!!!Ehd - he is the sweetest, most caring male character/caveman. To read about the primal urges to love, protect...