by John Barber, Livio Ramondelli, Atilio Rojo, Dheeraj Verma, Andrew Griffith
Ugh. I don't mean that in a bad way, but more in a "my emotions are so frayed at this point that I can't form a coherent thought" way. I sat and tried to figure out what panels to share with you, but the simple fact is that you really just have to experience this as a whole. I don't know if any of y...
Wow. Just... wow. There are some issues in this which are all about Gorlam Prime, and what Orion Pax and Wheelie and Garnak are doing there, and it just isn't as interesting to me. It needed to be set up, but what could have been done in one issue feels like it was dragged out to three or four...
Arcee: “Jhiaxus didn’t get mad or- or keel over if I told him Hardhead was exploring the catacombs. He just… you know. Got killed over and over.” Jhiaxus deserved it. Garnak: “And the, uh, the spreadin’ death that’s gonna, uh, death us ta death in a minute, boss?’ Mwah. Starscream to...