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Oh, Hawkeye. One of my favorite jackasses. And he pairs so perfectly with brooding super-spy Bucky. Not to mention plenty of Black Widow in the mix as well. This was a blast. Funny, fast-paced, and not so steeped in lore that a new reader would be lost. The art was serviceable, and the writing a per...
Look, I have other issues - why is fire masculine and water female which seems rather random - but mostly... so much white savior bullshit. Why has Danny Rand lived in the heavenly city of K'un Lun and yet it's Luke Cage who calls out the Americanized Chinese take out while Rand is like 'yum, spri...
Fun Fact: The first Iron Fist story I ever read was an issue of Marvel Team-Up pitting Spider-Man, Daredevil, Moon Knight, Power Man, and Iron Fist against the Purple Man.1 - Danny Rand turns down a billion dollar deal with China and goes to investigate the Chinese investors as Iron Fist!This was a ...
Comme ci, comme ça. I never felt like anything was integrated well. The mission from Vol 1 is brought up in a round about way at the end of Night of Owls, but we never find out how the girls shook off the mind control, whose soul is in Katana's sword, where the real villain is...shouldn't that be li...
I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing that I picked this up relatively quickly after reading the old original run of Iron Fist. On the negative side, the character has changed a little bit... okay, a lot bit in the 30-plus years since he was created. He's less naive about some things, a...