by Nicole Edwards
By far one of my FAVORITE relationship stories. And it wasn’t just the sexy times - I mean they are HOT! But the balance of the relationship, making sure one person doesn’t feel like ‘lesser’ in the relationship. All I’m saying is Kylie was one lucky girl to have the love and attention of those two ...
Makes me go like this again!And of course, Lisa's review again is fabulous :DA sneak peak of her review:"4.5 Panty Melting StarsSo. Damn. Hot.Any questions from the audience?"*snickers*Please read her whole review.
Holy bill of rights, Batman! waaat did i just read i think i may need a few days off from reading after this sexualy hot hot hoooooooot book wooow the characters are so strong and powerfull and sexy. you can feeel the anger the hate and sexual fustration from the characters. especially Travis and Ga...