by J.C. Reed
A non-ending. I still have so many questions left. I know she said that there are going to be more, but there should have been a conclusion to Jett and Brooke's story. When I finished the last chapter, I thought that there had to be an epilogue. How could it end like that? The series, as a whol...
Treasure Your Love Author: J.C. ReedPublished: October 15th, 2013 Mature New Adult/ Adult Contemporary Romance - recommended for ages 18 and up. 350 pp Source: Review Copy Rating: 4 Stars Meeting Jett was like a drug. Dangerous. Addictive. And better forbidden. In his game, there’s a high p...
Jett Mayfield is one sexy SOB and loved his dominant personality. For the last book in the series it was definitely worth the wait and the read. Jett is as intense as in other books but as the reader you get to see a little more of his character. The reader get to meet Jett's nameless gang that he...
3.5 StarsBoy, did this one take some strange turns. I'm going to need to think about this one for a bit before I write the review.