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Trial by Fire - Community Reviews back

by Josephine Angelini
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Selan rated it 7 years ago
I first reviewed this book a year or so ago, and dismissed it as a badly-written load of shit with unlikeable characters and a generic plot. Now, here I am, re-reading it properly all the way to the end – and you know what? It’s not that bad. I might just be saying that because I just suffered throu...
Selan rated it 9 years ago
You know that phrase, "Don't judge a book by its cover"? Prime example right here. This book has a gorgeous cover, slick and beautiful. It's very pretty. The blurb on the back makes it sounds like a pretty good plot. It says nothing about the badly written crap that goes on inside.There are a lot of...
Abandoned by Booklikes
Abandoned by Booklikes rated it 9 years ago
Sigh.I don't even know what to say. I absolutely loved Starcrossed and this book was just a mess. Angelini knows how to slowly reveal the plot in her books and instead in this one we had way too much going on with no time to really absorb anything and mashup of steampunk and I think Native American ...
The Primroses Were Over
The Primroses Were Over rated it 9 years ago
My rating on this book went between "I'm annoyed and don't like this" and "this is awesome!", hence the settling at a three. It was a very hard book to rate, and this is probably going to be a very hard review to write. The problem I had was that there was an amazing and fascinating world set up, ...
Anna Bobs Her Hair - Silent Reader, Talking Books
Parallel universes. Magic vs. Science. Tyranny of Witches vs. Toxic Fallout. Then, there's some young love and angst.
No More Booklikes, BYE
No More Booklikes, BYE rated it 10 years ago
This unusual book had me hooked as soon as it passed the teenage drama heartbreak in world one. It was the semi typical, horrid horny guy lies to innocent helpless trusting girl and she gets her tender heart broke story which we've all heard a million times now. I admit I considered dropping it at t...
Just Another Reader
Just Another Reader rated it 10 years ago
One thing I am trying to do this year is read more new releases. At one point I found a list of new releases and put a few on hold that seemed interesting. I should have researched this one a bit more. Trial by Fire is about Lillian (Lily), a senior in high school who is allergic to life. She has...
Bookish Excursions
Bookish Excursions rated it 10 years ago
Trial by Fire caught me slightly off-guard as I wasn't expecting to enjoy it as much as I did. I wavered on how to rate this one because I really love the concept of the story even though the first four or so chapters are utter crap. The story revolves around a high school student in Salem who suff...
sunsetxcocktail rated it 10 years ago
I received a copy from Netgalley.This is one of those weird books where I didn't like any of the characters much but absolutely loved the plot and the world building. The main character, Lily, a weak and sickly girl was quite bland and annoying even when pulled into a parallel universe, and the guy ...
Rashika, The Book Owl
Rashika, The Book Owl rated it 10 years ago
Trial by Fire was exactly as I had hoped it would be but more. That sounds a little contradictory, doesn't it? I suppose the best way to explain it is that I knew I would love this book but I had no idea how much. Angelini never fails to surprise me.I remember when I first read Starcrossed and now, ...
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