Almost 4★'s. Go get em' tiger! I really enjoyed this. Let's hear it for the girl going to get her man and not taking no for an answer. Off the charts steam and a love that will never die, can't go wrong with that combination. Boy oh boy did I love me some Gunner. So glad the drama was there but not ...
This was an okay read - I enjoyed the general plot line (girl meets boy, boy is a badass, boy isn't good enough for girl, girl's heart breaks, they end up together) but I think that the romance was a tad too overdone for my liking. I skipped most of the steamy bits because they just detracted too mu...
Notes to self including SPOILERS:What a roller coaster. Up down left right yes no forward backwards chop change. Its well written.Unless I'm blind, there's not an error in sight. That alone makes it a beaut to me. He is alpha. Antihero. S0nofabiatch swine. I hate him. I adore him. You recall Rule? H...