by Michael Savage
I must have a masochistic streak of some kind, because I have a hard time not reading rightwing populist propaganda. So, read about half of this while standing in the grocer this morning. It's pretty close to one of the worst books ever written, though it's hard to say if it is in fact the worst b...
Another good read about the current state of our economy with good suggestions on how to fix it! "The more power they have, the less you have." "From the auto industry, the banks, and various financial institutions, to Obama's plan to snatch expansive tracts of land depriving the middle class of min...
Trickle Up Poverty, Michael SavageWell, I would not recommend this book to any Liberal without a very open mind, without the ability to look at both sides of all issues with an unbiased eye. Some Conservatives may find points of disagreement. Libertarians will probably be most happy. I found that th...