by Hilari Bell
Trickster's girl really impressed me. Despite a slow start Kelsa's journey to save the world was really interesting. In a future American the tree plague- a bio terrorists baby released into the Amazon- is wiping out the trees and rising cancer rates are wiping out humans, one of which is Kelsa's da...
I'm not going to bother trying to finish this book. I just couldn't get into it.
I'm sad to say that I really didn't connect with this book as much as I would have liked to. There were things about Trickster's Girl that I really liked, and then other things that took away from the reading experience for me. By the time that I reached the ending, I had to war with myself over how...
I liked this science fiction/magic story. I thought that Kelsa was a well-written character who dealt realistically with the death of her beloved father. I also like that she was not immediately enthralled with Raven even though he was beautiful. It took a lot of convincing to get Kelsa to join him ...
Featured on Trying to jump "Out The Box" in YA might not have worked well in Trickster's Girl's favor. While I did read, Trickster's Girl to the end, I seriously contemplated just hitting delete on numerous occasions. I think reading this on vacation gave me more patience than I norma...
Is this supposed to be YA dystopian? It starts out with Kelsa doing the brave thing with her burying her father the way he would have wanted it and not according to what he called "the great irrational." But, it goes downhill from there because she starts getting really reactive with all those "I'm...
Although this is classed as a Sci-Fi novel I would recommend it lovers of Fantasy/Adventure/Dystopian due to there being more Fantasy elements in the story than Sci-Fi. There is futuristic elements but nothing particularly heavy – unless a futuristic coffee machine is too much for you. It also reads...
I'm still not sure where I stand on this one. There are some elements that I really liked and some that kind of threw me.I'm a huge fan of the fact that even though Raven is this to-die-for bit of hotness, Kelsa doesn't fall head-over-heels for him and vow to give her life in his cause. I really lik...