by Kirsten Smith
I received this book in a goodreads first reads giveaway.This is a really fun, fast-paced novel. While I really enjoyed reading it, I probably would have gotten more out of it if it was around when I was 12-14. I really liked Elodie's sections, which I interpreted more as free-form internet writing,...
Trinkets centers around three girls from different social circles who are all assigned to attend a program for shoplifters. Sounds like The Breakfast Club, right? Yes, and that's a good thing as far as I'm concerned. Trinkets is narrated by all three girls in alternating points of view. I was initia...
I really enjoyed Trinkets. Going in, I was expecting to be put off by these three teenage girls who steal, especially when I really wound up not liking Pretty Crooked, which had a main character that also stole, albeit for different reasons. But instead of a book that focused only on the stealing, w...