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Tripwire - Lee Child
by: (author)
Format: kindle
Publisher: Jove
Pages no: 419
Edition language: English
Series: Jack Reacher -6 (#3)
Community Reviews
XOX rated it
4.0 Jack Reacher found love and trouble
In the earlier day, Jack Reacher is what he is, hard and tough and want nothing to live one day at a time. Trouble find him, or there wouldn't be a story. And in the process, he found a woman he knew when she was still a teenager. Now she is no longer a teenager, they could be together. Th...
Pablos czytelnik
Pablos czytelnik rated it
3.0 Lee Child - "Wróg bez twarzy"
Podczas lektury dwóch poprzednich książek opowiadających o Jacku Reacherze miałem wrażenie, że autor z czasem zacznie kreować coś więcej, niż tylko samą akcję. W pierwszej części mieliśmy interesujący motyw z fałszerstwem pieniędzy na gigantyczną skalę, w drugiej nie mniej ciekawych “lokalnych patri...
D.G. ~Shameless Reader~
D.G. ~Shameless Reader~ rated it
3.5 Dragged
Thankfully, Tripwire didn't follow the same pattern as the previous two books but it wasn't as exciting. Some parts dragged terribly for me - why did we need so many descriptions of people dressing and undressing? - and there wasn't so much action. Also, I couldn't believe the villain had spent 30 y...
Mike Finn
Mike Finn rated it
3.0 Tripwire
"The humiliation scenes were too hard bitten for me"I found listening to the first two Reacher novels soothing, Child's sparse, almost documentary-style prose with its focus on facts and street names and physical routines, combined with McClain's calm but never dull voice, create a rhythm that I enj...
Vellichor Afternoons
Vellichor Afternoons rated it
I think I'm done with this. I just reached a certain point and hated to keep reading. I don't really have a problem with violence, but this is just fucking *bleak*.May pick it up again. Who knows.
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