Five-stared it because I found it INTENSE. I only put it down to catch my breath. warning: this book is not for the faint of heart.
Rating: 3.0Genre: Dark Urban Fantasy with lots and lots of blood and innocent victims.Crimson Shadows is the final book in the Crimson trilogy, and has one of the most vile and evil vampires you will ever read about. His name is Mikhail, and he is the son of vampires Meghann O’Neill and Lord Simon B...
This is the second book in the Crimson trilogy and also one of the darkest, and more bizarre books you will read in the vampire genre. Most of this book focuses on the life and times of Simon Baldevar from the time he was a young boy, to when he was transformed into a vampire unpto and including his...
Recommended: To anyone who truly loves a good vampire story where the vampire is truly evil incarnate, and it doesn't matter who he hurts to get what he wants. I am not going to try to outdo anyone who has reviewed this story before me. These are just my thoughts alone.Story: Meghann O'Neill Cameron...
So I received this book years ago as a Christmas gift from my sister because she knew I loved vampires. I read it and It's one of my all-time favorite books!It is so much better than another certain not-to-be-named Vampire book series that got super over hyped. The Crimson Series totally deserved t...