by Garth Nix, Miriam Margolyes
I'm not in the target audience for this book, so I'm going to try to review this in terms of how I would have liked it when I was (a little) younger.I think Troubletwisters can be summed up rather quickly as simple - simple in plot, characterisation, language and execution. Which wouldn't necessaril...
Jack and Jaide are rambunctious twelve-year-old twins whose father is rarely home. Then one day he returns in a bolt of lightning, and their house is destroyed. The twins go to stay with their mysterious grandmother, who talks to her cats and can make them forget things with hot cocoa. They're no...
This book for younger readers has some things which will appeal to its target audience (particularly many scenes of muck and bugs crawling on things), but I at least bounced off the structure and main source of conflict behind the story.Jack and Jaide are twins, with a perpetually absent father and ...
This type of book has a number of conventions. They aren't universally followed, but still, I think it's fair to say they exist. One of these is that the kids should prevail through their own efforts. Or put another way, adults can't do it for them. Which leads to a problem; how to get rid of the pa...
An entertaining read, but nowhere near as brilliantly original as the Keys to the Kingdom series or as good as the other books of Garth Nix's that I've read (the Abhorsen trilogy et al.) A pretty boilerplate YA fantasy - twins discover that they have supernatural powers and are part of a group dedic...
Twins Jaide and Jack got to live with their grandmother after a mysterious disturbance at their old home. They find more mysteries with her as she is reluctant to tell them anything and The Evil is tempting both of them to join up. Jack is a shadow walker and Jaide can fly. Interesting start to a ne...
Thank you to Egmont for giving me this chance to read read the arc copy of this novel. Troubletwister is a fun read about twins Jack and Jaide as they embarked on adventure that changes their lives. They are forced to go live with their Grandma after their house is detroyed and thats were the story ...